How it Works:
1. Our "Visitor Directory" sites are published with extensive free tourism-related Directory Entries already in place. Directories have the name, jurisdiction and specific category of each verified tourism operation (discovered through our research) listed and these entries are linked to their external websites. We keep the directory itself compact, effective and easy to scan on any device. No pictures, video, contact information or extended descriptions appear with these sortable and filterable database lists...users simply click the link and are instantly at your site for the full current official source of these details. With this approach, hundreds or thousands of opportunities can be identified on a single page, so the user has a lot to choose from.
If your organization is not already directly or indirectly (for instance, as part of a consortium) listed on our Visitor Directory site for your area, please contact us and we will adjust our records accordingly.
2. Our comprehensive "Hybrid Direct" sites have paid private and agency-based Real Estate listings, together with free listing entries in an extended range of product and service directories targeting residents and visitors. Serving Sooke and Discover Montreal are examples of the Hybrid Direct model.
3. The "Tourism Exclusive" format is used primarily for national and international destination scale sites, such as Tourism Ads and Tourism South America, or for customized regional destination pages such as those managed on Tourism 1. This format features low-cost paid Tourism-related directory entries in a very powerful context that gives participants a less-crowded platform in which to gain effective presence, where even the smallest organization has equal profile with large congomlerates.
4. Our "Premium Direct" marketing sites like Serving BC and CanOrg are entirely based on low-cost paid Directory Entries submitted by participants - both private and commercial - on a wide variety of products and services. These items are mixed with comprehensive references that we provide as a convenient public service to enhance the user experience.
4. Regardless of index buy-in format, all of our directory-based sites offer the opportunity for an organization to substantially enhance their presence with an upgrade to a Feature Ad, hosted Permalink page and/or Feature Video.
5. If you choose the Permalink option, we can host your PDF brochure for the year at a simple fixed address such as "".
6. Taking further advantage of the Permalink option above, we can also assemble your images, copy, online video and other links into a consistent presentation package with interactive menu-driven features.
7. To substantially increase the impact of your presence in the directory itself, we recommend upgrading to a FEATURE AD (just pennies a day, spread over the year). A small number of these versatile featured listings are shown prominently and conveniently in a special section at the bottom of each DIVISION page, so it is a very efficient way to stand out.
FEATURE AD ($60/site/year):
Prominently placed in context just below the corresponding category listings page on any of our sites.
The gallery image of the ad may transform to an external video, or simply expand to its full-size equivalent. It may also be linked to an external site, or optional PERMALINK PAGE (typically a custom-formatted PDF brochure).
FEATURE ADS or SHOWCASE VIDEOS placed on 2 or more of our sites concurrently receive a 20% discount!
PERMALINK PAGE ($40/year):
A custom single page presentation or PDF document, linkable from one or many of our sites, with a unique web address assigned until cancelled (like "" or "").
Text entry on the provincially-integrated site, used to link to external online resources - or a PERMALINK PAGE - for a wide range of opportunities, services or items for sale, privately and commercially.
Typically used where an extended marketing period and a multi-regional market potential is involved.
Specialized real estate directory entry placed concurrently on regional, provincial and national sites with a common permalink page (like "").
Private and agency property sales.
SHOWCASE VIDEO ($140/year):
15-second clip within a 4-minute presentation on the home page.
All placement fees are subject to GST. Development and update costs are additional, with optional in-house design and production services available for just $25/hr.
Provide us with limited access to your exceptional imagery to develop enhanced destination promotion materials on our network featuring the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region. Attribution by email embed and/or closing credits.
Provide us with your HD video and sound-track quality audio to develop online destination promotion materials featuring the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region. Attribution by email embed and/or closing credits.
Tell us your stories about real Cariboo Chilcotin Coast events, people and experiences - including quotes, images, poetry etc. - for development of anecdotal promotional content.
There's no shortage of subject material here - from people, events, activities, architecture, wildlife, pets, farms, trails, wilderness, aerial, underwater - just check your recent inventory, get written releases from any identifiable "talent", and let us know - we'll do our best to put your best work on display - and dazzle the world!
Copy writing is always easier with awesome source material. Tell us your local stories - a paragraph or two is best, plus a brief quote, and feel free to add any related materials. Thanks!
Arts, Community * Building * Events * Food, Restaurants
For Sale * Health, Beauty * Parks, Recreation * Real Estate
Services * Tourism